Laser Vein Therapy at Southern Laser Medical Spa

Say Goodbye to Spider Veins with Laser Vein Therapy at Southern Laser Medical Spa!


Are you among the 80 million Americans dealing with varicose or spider veins? Whether you seek cosmetic improvement or relief from pain, we have the solution for you at Southern Laser Medical Spa.

Understanding Spider Veins

Spider veins are small, enlarged blood vessels that can appear red or blue, resembling unconnected lines, a sunburst pattern, or even a spider web. Though usually found on the face and legs, they pose no significant health hazard but may cause aching or burning after prolonged standing.

What Causes Spider Veins?

The cause is not fully understood, with genetic disposition, pregnancy, hormonal changes, weight gain, leg injury, or prolonged standing playing potential roles.

Laser Vein Removal Explained

Our laser technology offers a highly effective means of treating spider veins. By selectively targeting blood vessels without affecting surrounding tissues, laser light is absorbed by the veins, gently heating them and causing the blood to clot. The body naturally reabsorbs the treated vessels during the healing process.

Quick and Painless Treatments

With the laser's ability to deliver energy to a large area, each pulse takes just a few minutes to treat discolored veins.

How Many Treatments are Needed?

Depending on vein severity, you may require 1-3 treatments, spaced 6 weeks apart. The procedure addresses existing vessels but cannot prevent new ones from developing.

Comfort and Recovery

Described as mildly uncomfortable but not painful, laser vein removal may result in temporary redness, swelling, or bruising, typically resolving within hours. Changes in skin color, if any, will return to normal over time.

Post-Treatment Recommendations

Avoid hot tubs, vigorous exercise, aspirin, and alcohol for three days following your treatment.

Alternatives to Laser Vein Removal

Sclerotherapy, a non-laser method, is an option requiring multiple sessions. The treated blood vessels disappear over about six months.

Ready to bid farewell to spider veins? Click the button below or call (706) 485-7200 to schedule your laser vein therapy at Southern Laser Medical Spa!